
InsurTech が後押しする保険ビジネスの Operational Excellence / Operational Excellence in the Insurance Business Driven by Insurtech

モダンなコアシステムを基盤とした顧客起点の業務革新 / Customer-Centric Business Innovation Based on Modern Core Systems


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* English follows Japanese.

株式会社Finatext 保険事業責任者 河端一寛

1. はじめに

 保険販売の周辺では、「組込型保険」や「Insurance Exchange」などが発展していますが、筆者は今後、保険ビジネスの内側で業務を飛躍的に改善していく「Operational Excellence(オペレーショナル・エクセレンス)」の領域においても、InsurTechが貢献していくと考えています。
 そこで本稿では、保険業界におけるOperational Excellenceの現状と将来の展望について、特に以下の3点を主張しながら詳しく探っていきます。

• Operational Excellenceは今後、飛躍的に発展し、さらに盛り上がりを見せる
• Operational Excellenceの核心は、顧客起点のアプローチにある
• コアシステムのモダナイゼーションが、Operational Excellenceの実現に不可欠である

2. Operational Excellence発展の背景

2.1 デジタルインフラの整備とコアシステムのモダナイゼーション
 Operational Excellenceの飛躍的発展の基盤となるのが、デジタルインフラの整備とコアシステムのモダナイゼーションです。従来の保険会社のシステムは、長年の累積的な開発により複雑化し、新しい技術やビジネスモデルへの対応が困難になっています。コアシステムのモダナイゼーションは、この課題を解決し、真のデジタル変革を可能にする鍵となります。モダナイゼーションされたコアシステムは、クラウドネイティブなアーキテクチャ、マイクロサービス、APIファーストの設計思想を採用し、柔軟性と拡張性を備えています。これにより、新しい技術やサービスの迅速な導入が可能となり、市場の変化に素早く対応できるようになります。

• Speed to Market:新商品の開発から市場投入までの時間を大幅に短縮できます。
• カスタマーエクスペリエンス(CX)の向上:デジタル技術を活用しつつ、人間的なタッチを維持することで、顧客満足度を高めることができます。

• 業務プロセスの効率化:自動化やデータ分析により、業務の無駄を削減し、生産性を向上させることができます。
• コスト削減:効率化によるコスト削減効果が期待できます。


2.2 生成AIの登場
 Operational Excellenceの飛躍的発展をさらに加速させるのが、生成AIです。生成AIは、以下のような点でOperational Excellenceに革新をもたらす可能性があります。

• 自然言語処理の高度化:顧客とのコミュニケーションや契約書の解析などが、より高度に自動化できるようになります。
• 業務プロセスの最適化:大量のデータを分析し、最適な業務フローを提案できます。
• 個別化されたサービス提供:顧客の行動や嗜好を深く理解し、より個別化されたサービスを提供できるようになります。
• リスク評価の精緻化:複雑なリスク要因を考慮した、より精度の高いリスク評価が可能になります。

3. 顧客起点のOperational Excellence

3.1 先進企業の取り組み
 コアシステムのモダナイゼーションを含むOperational Excellenceに注力している企業は、すでに大きな成果を上げています。2024年6月に開催されたInsurTechのカンファレンス「ITC Asia 2024」で筆者が実際に聞いた事例を紹介します。

• 衆安保険(ZA Tech社の話より):生成AI以前から業務の15%を削減し、さらに50%の削減を目指しています。これは、単なる効率化だけでなく、顧客サービスの質の向上にもつながっています。
• Tune Protect社:「ITC Asia 2024」では「Customer Experience Excellence」賞を受賞しました。同社は「333コミットメント(3分で契約、3時間以内に返答、3日で保険金支払い)」という顧客体験向上の取り組みを行っています。保険金支払いに関しては、実に保険金請求の95%が1時間で完了しているそうです。

 これらの事例は、Operational Excellenceが単なる業務効率化を超えて、顧客体験の飛躍的向上につながる可能性を示しています。

3.2 顧客体験を中心に据えたデジタルネイティブなオペレーションの構築
 Operational Excellenceを実現するためには、情報と処理のフローをデジタルネイティブな形で構築することが重要です。従来の保険業務は、アナログな処理をベースに構築されていましたが、これを分解し、下記のようなデジタル時代に適したものへとアップデートしていく必要があります。

• エンド・トゥ・エンドのデジタル化:契約から保険金支払いまで、すべてのプロセスをデジタル化し、シームレスな顧客体験を提供する。
• リアルタイムデータ活用:IoTデバイスやテレマティクスなどから得られるリアルタイムデータを活用し、動的なリスク評価や料率設定を行う。
• 個別化:顧客の行動パターンや嗜好をAIで分析し、個々の顧客に最適化されたサービスを提供する。

 Operational Excellenceを追求する際、単に業務を自動化して効率化するだけでは不十分です。重要なのは、業務改善を通じて顧客体験を飛躍的に向上させることです。そのためには、顧客のニーズや行動を深く理解し、それに基づいてプロセスを設計する必要があります。上述のTune Protect社の「333コミットメント」は、まさに顧客体験を中心に据えたOperational Excellenceの好例といえます。3分での契約、3時間以内の返答、3日以内の保険金支払いという具体的な顧客体験の目標値を設定することで、「単に業務を効率化するに留まらず、それを顧客体験の向上につなげよう」という強い意思を示しています。

3.3 Finatextグループでの取り組み例
 Finatextグループの保険事業では、保険会社や代理店向けに保険クラウド「Inspire」という保険業務に必要な機能をワンストップでご提供するSaas型のモダンなコアシステムを提供しつつ、スマートプラス少額短期保険で「Inspire」を活用しながらデジタルネイティブな保険ビジネスの実現を追求しています。「Inspire」では、保険業務に必要な基本機能を備え、エンドツーエンド(e2e)で充実したサービスを提供しています。これにより、ほぼすべての保険の顧客体験・業務にワンストップで対応可能です。また、直感的に操作できる管理コンソールのユーザーインターフェース(UI)や、既存システム・オペレーションとのシームレスな統合を実現するデータ連携・出力機能を備えており、Operational Excellenceの実現に向けた機能拡充に力を注いでいます。スマートプラス少額短期保険での次世代型保険業務オペレーション構築のチャレンジについては、私が2021年3月に記事にまとめているので、ご関心ある方は是非ご一読ください。

次世代型保険業務オペレーション構築に向けて -スマートプラス少額短期保険のチャレンジ


4. まとめ

 保険業界におけるOperational Excellenceは、単なる業務効率化の枠を超えて、顧客体験の革新的な向上を目指す取り組みへと進化しています。デジタル技術の進歩、特に生成AIの登場により、その発展はさらに加速すると予想されます。
 しかし、真のOperational Excellenceを実現するためには、技術導入だけでなく、顧客起点のアプローチが不可欠です。業務プロセスの改善が、いかに顧客にとって価値あるものになるかを常に考え、実践していく必要があります。
 今後、Operational Excellenceの取り組みは、個別の保険会社の枠を超えて、業界全体、さらには他業種を含むエコシステム全体へと拡大していく可能性があります。この過程で、保険サービスの在り方そのものが大きく変わっていくかもしれません。
 InsurTech企業や既存の保険会社は、こうした変化を機会と捉え、顧客にとって真に価値あるサービスを提供するためのOperational Excellenceを追求していくことが求められます。

以 上

Kazuhiro Kawabata, Head of Insurance Business, Finatext Inc.

1. Introduction

The insurance industry has historically relied on traditional business models and practices. However, the rapid advancement of digital technology has ushered in the rise of Insurtech, which is driving significant transformation within the sector. While innovations such as "Embedded Insurance" and "Insurance Exchange" are emerging in the realm of insurance sales, I contend that Insurtech will also play a pivotal role in enhancing "Operational Excellence"-a domain that promises to dramatically improve internal operations within the insurance business. This paper aims to explore the current state and prospects of Operational Excellence in the insurance industry, with a particular focus on the following three assertions:

• Operational Excellence is poised for significant development and increased momentum in the future.
• The essence of Operational Excellence lies in a customer-centric approach.
• The modernization of core systems is indispensable for achieving Operational Excellence.

2. Background of the Development of Operational Excellence

2.1 Establishment of Digital Infrastructure and Modernization of Core Systems
The foundation for the remarkable advancement of Operational Excellence is the establishment of robust digital infrastructure and the modernization of core systems. Traditional insurance company systems have become increasingly complex due to years of cumulative development, rendering them less adaptable to new technologies and business models. Modernizing core systems is crucial for addressing these challenges and enabling genuine digital transformation. Modernized core systems leverage cloud-native architecture, microservices, and API-first design principles, thereby providing the necessary flexibility and scalability. This facilitates the rapid adoption of new technologies and services, allowing for swift responses to market changes.

On the sales and top-line side:
• Speed to Market: The time required to develop and launch new products can be significantly reduced.
• Enhancement of Customer Experience (CX): By harnessing digital technology while preserving human touch, organizations can elevate customer satisfaction.

On the organizational and bottom-line side:
• Streamlining of Business Processes: Automation and data analytics can minimize operational inefficiencies and enhance productivity.
• Cost Reduction: Increased efficiency is expected to yield substantial cost savings.

Historically, the focus has been on transforming the sales and top-line aspects through core system modernization; however, it is anticipated that the transformation of organizational and bottom-line elements will also accelerate in the future.

2.2 The Emergence of Generative AI
The advent of generative AI is set to further accelerate the development of Operational Excellence. Generative AI has the potential to introduce innovations in Operational Excellence through the following avenues:

• Advancement of Natural Language Processing: Enhanced automation of customer communication and contract analysis is achievable.
• Optimization of Business Processes: The analysis of large datasets can yield optimal business workflows.
• Personalized Service Delivery: A deeper understanding of customer behavior and preferences enables the provision of more tailored services.
• Refinement of Risk Assessment: More accurate risk evaluations can be conducted by considering complex risk factors.

3. Customer-Centric Operational Excellence

3.1 Initiatives by Leading Companies
Organizations that prioritize Operational Excellence, including the modernization of core systems, have already achieved significant outcomes. Below are examples shared at the Insurtech conference "ITC Asia 2024," held in June 2024.

• Zhongan Insurance (as reported by ZA Tech): They have successfully reduced operational tasks by 15% even prior to the implementation of generative AI, with an ambitious goal of an additional 50% reduction. This initiative not only enhances efficiency but also improves the quality of customer service.
• Tune Protect: At "ITC Asia 2024," they were awarded the "Customer Experience Excellence" accolade. The company has implemented the "333 Commitment" (contract in 3 minutes, response within 3 hours, claims payment within 3 days) to enhance customer experience. Notably, 95% of claims are reportedly processed within one hour.

These examples illustrate that Operational Excellence can lead to substantial improvements in customer experience, transcending mere operational efficiency.

3.2 Establishing Digital-Native Operations Centered on Customer Experience
To realize Operational Excellence, it is essential to construct information, and processing flows in a digital-native manner. Traditional insurance operations have been built on analog processes, which must be deconstructed and updated to align with the digital era, as follows:

• End-to-End Digitalization: Digitizing all processes from contract initiation to claims payment to deliver seamless customer experience.
• Utilization of Real-Time Data: Leveraging real-time data from IoT devices and telematics for dynamic risk assessment and rate setting.
• Personalization: Employing AI to analyze customer behavior patterns and preferences to provide optimized services tailored to individual customers.

In pursuing Operational Excellence, it is insufficient to merely automate and streamline operations. The primary objective is to significantly enhance customer experience through business improvements. This necessitates a profound understanding of customer needs and behaviors, with processes designed accordingly. The aforementioned "333 Commitment" by Tune Protect exemplifies customer-centric Operational Excellence, establishing specific targets for customer experience: contracts in 3 minutes, responses within 3 hours, and claims payments within 3 days, thereby demonstrating a strong commitment to linking operational efficiency with enhanced customer experience.

While advancing digitalization and AI utilization, it is equally important to maintain the unique "human touch" characteristic of the insurance industry. In scenarios requiring human judgment and empathy—such as explaining complex insurance products or responding to incidents and disasters—an optimal combination of technology and human skills is essential. Structuring customer experience and operational responses to facilitate smooth transitions, such as "initial responses managed by the system, with complex cases seamlessly handed over to human operators," is crucial.

3.3 Examples of Initiatives at Finatext Group
Within the insurance business of the Finatext Group, we offer a modern core system known as insurance cloud "Inspire," which provides a comprehensive suite of functionalities necessary for insurance operations to insurance companies and agencies. We are committed to realizing a digital-native insurance business through the utilization of "Inspire" in Smart Plus Small Amount Short-Term Insurance. Inspire is equipped with essential functions for insurance operations and delivers comprehensive end-to-end (e2e) services. This enables one-stop solutions for nearly all customer experiences and operational needs in insurance. Additionally, it features an intuitive user interface (UI) for the management console and data integration and output capabilities that ensure seamless integration with existing systems and operations, focusing on enhancing functionalities to achieve Operational Excellence. I summarized the challenges of building next-generation insurance business operations in Smart Plus Small Amount Short-Term Insurance in an article published in March 2021; I encourage interested readers to explore it.

Towards Building Next-Generation Insurance Business Operations - The Challenge of Smart Plus Small Amount Short-Term Insurance (Japanese only)

Since March 2021, Smart Plus Small Amount Short-Term Insurance has been dedicated to enhancing customer experience through updates to business processes by reviewing and automating information management and collaboration. I firmly believe that such continuous improvements are achievable precisely because we are digitizing all processes from contract initiation to claim payment based on a SaaS-type modern core system.

Currently, we are also focused on improving the claims process through the application of generative AI. By leveraging generative AI to assist in the claims assessment process (the task of determining the eligibility and number of claims), which was previously conducted manually, we aim to enhance both operational efficiency and accuracy. Specifically, we are developing a tool to generate assessment reports from claims images (such as medical billing statements) and are working on integrating this tool with "Inspire." (Expected to begin full operation and officially announced in close future)

4. Conclusion

Operational Excellence in the insurance industry is evolving into an initiative aimed at innovatively enhancing customer experience, transcending the boundaries of mere operational efficiency. The advancement of digital technology, particularly the emergence of generative AI, is expected to further accelerate this development.
However, to achieve true Operational Excellence, it is essential not only to adopt technology but also to embrace a customer-centric approach. Continuous consideration of how improvements in business processes can create value for customers is imperative.

Moreover, while promoting digitalization, it is crucial to maintain the distinctive "human touch" inherent to the insurance industry. By optimally combining technology and human skills, organizations can achieve a balance between efficiency and customer satisfaction.

In the future, initiatives for Operational Excellence may extend beyond individual insurance companies to encompass the entire industry and even the broader ecosystem, including other sectors. In this transformative process, the very nature of insurance services may undergo significant change.
Insurtech companies and established insurance providers are encouraged to view these changes as opportunities and to pursue Operational Excellence in order to deliver genuinely valuable services to customers.

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